
I’m a mean mom.

My jeep doesn’t have tv screens on the back seats, hell, it doesn’t even have a back-up camera. I prefer it that way.

But it makes long road trips interesting. Especially when I don’t allow electronics with. We go on enough trips that we’ve gotten pretty good at making up some games. Our favorites include, but are not limited to: 20 questions Super Hero style, guess the monster truck, math word problems and movie impressions.

Those were always our go to’s until recently.

Now that the little one can read, we’ve added spelling to the ever growing list.

Earlier this week the little men and I were on our way to the store. They were trying to talk me into buying ice cream. We were right in the middle of math questions when the big one bet me.

“I bet I can spell any word you can think of. If I win we get to buy ice cream. If I loose I’ll put away the dishes.”


Fun fact, I am a TERRIBLE speller.

In the second grade I distinctly remember the teacher quizzing us on “wrap”. I can still hear her voice, “wrap, as in I have to wrap your birthday present”. I wrote down rap. Close enough, right? I mean, now with auto correct do you really even HAVE to learn how to spell any more?!

I digress; back to the car ride…

My mind went blank, I wanted a word that was difficult but attainable. A word I could spell…The only thing I could like of was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. So NOT the word I was looking for.

Then out of no where the little one piped up, “sarcophagus!”

The big one, “You IDIOT! She would have never given me a word THAT hard!”

I could NOT stop laughing, even days later! In fact, it will probably be one of those memories that’s stored in the bank forever and every time I see ice cream it’s going to make me think of a sarcophagus! Kind of weird, kind of morbid but in the end, hilarious!

Make it a great day!

Jes xoxo