
Back in college, like everyone else, I took an English lit class. I was, however, blessed with an amazing professor. We were studying poetry and I will never forget the text book.

The cover was a light yellowish brown book and had a tree full of mid summer green leaves. It was thick with bible style pages, filled to the brim with words designed to shape impressionable minds.

I’ve always loved poetry though back then I’m not sure I had the life experience needed to figure out the clues and riddles poetry uses… anyway…

Professor Cullen had a guest speaker come in. He was a handsome Asian man and performed spoken word poetry in from of us. It had a slight rap flow to it and he used his hands to enunciate the words at the end of the stanzas. He preformed quite a few of his original verses each one a different take on love.

At the end of his show he did a Q & A session. Someone asked him if he believed in fate and destiny.

He said absolutely not.

That answer shocked me more than his show.

He told us that fate and destiny don’t exist. You fall in love with people you choose to fall in love with and races should NEVER be mixed.


This was back in 1999 and at the time, even with my moldable mind, I thought he was full of shit.

Love is love.

It shouldn’t matter what your eyes SEE, it should always be about what your heart FEELS.

We are all souls living a human experience, coming from and ending up in the SAME place. Does it really matter what our shell looks like? Underneath our skin we are all made the same.

Love is always at our fingertips. A gift given to us to give to others and hate is the destroyer.

Find balance, but give love always. And try not to believe people that don’t know what they are talking about.


Jes xoxo