Counting Down.

Five more days until my two week notice is over.

Sure, I feel a little asshole-ish putting in my notice the day before I left on a weeks vacation, BUT they wouldn’t give me a definite answer if my time off was approved or not! The schedule wasn’t even posted the day before my co-workers just told the Post Master that I wouldn’t be there.

On vacation I came to find out I was scheduled at 3:45am the day after we returned. Of course I HAD to tell them that I messed up on the return day just so I could have a chance to unwind, unpack and have more than a few cheaper-than-on-vacation-beers. We’ll call that a much needed mental health day.

Ironically I’m finding it difficult to leave.


Before I started a supervisor was transferred to our branch because the Post Master was out on a medical leave. When I got there everyone was so happy and in LOVE with this supervisor. Apparently the Post Master is an earthly sided devil woman that makes everyone’s life a living hell.

I actually like her, but that’s another story.

The supervisor she’s…


I really don’t like how she talks behind everyone’s back to try and bond with people, I don’t like that she brags about accomplishments and I really don’t like that she doesn’t take anything I say seriously. I must have told her a thousand times that this was NOT a forever job. I mean if I work at a bar and make triple the money for a quarter of the amount of work why the FUCK would I risk a back injury and stay?

Anyway, the day I am putting in my notice the supervisor is there. She comes prancing in and tells us two early bird morning shifters that today will be her last day, then I TRY to tell her that I’m leaving too but she’s so caught up in herself that she didn’t hear me.

Much later the drivers show up. She makes her BIG announcement and they fuss a little. At one point one of the drivers asked if anyone else had any bad news and I told them that I was putting in my notice that day as well. You should have seen the disbelief and shock on their faces. For the remaining two hours I was there that’s ALL they were talking about. They tried to come up with different ways to make me stay and how they could make the job better. It was really sweet.


The supervisor heard it all and I can imagine since she’s been there MUCH longer than I have she was really hurt. Their reaction to my leaving is how she envisioned their reaction to her leaving.

She has since been moved to another office and every single day my co-workers try to figure out ways that will entice me to stay. Even though the far out schedule shows a full weekend off (FINALLY) it’s a little too late and I need consistency. I officially throw in the towel on Monday. Although they are begging, Fairview is calling and it’s time to jump ship and have a reliable, workable schedule that I can plan around (that also won’t break my back in the process).

The best part is my new job will be so consistent that I might even be able to pick up some shifts at the bar when things open up and MAN do I miss the social aspect that job brings out.

Until then, you’ll find me waking up at 2:55am staring at a clock until end of day Monday.

Au revoir!

Namaste, Jes xoxo

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