Case of the Barfies

 It really grosses me out when kids are barry sick.

REALLY grosses me out.

It’s even worse when they vomit outside of their own home.

It does make me happy that I’m not a single parent.  While I’m soothing and racing them to the toilet my partner in crime deals with the dirty work.  Do I feel bad that he gets stuck with the clean up?  Sometimes, but in reality a kid just wants their mom when they are scared and can’t stop barfing.  Not to mention Dad gets to sleep in a comfy bed all night while I sleep on the bathroom floor using towels as blankets incase the barfies come back for an encore.

*               *               *

Not long ago we went to visit the In-Laws.  It was a normal week and the kids hadn’t complained of feeling ill.  Our kids had a little more sugar than they were used to but it was the weekend, I didn’t really worry about it.  It was getting kind of late when Bash came in to the kitchen and sat on my lap.  Because he doesn’t get to see his grandma on this side often, I let didn’t make a big deal that it was past his bedtime.

Normally it’s hard to get a word in when this chatter box is around (I think he gets that from me) but that night he was noticeably quiet…a little TOO quite.  I had to ask him if everything was ok, because even tired Bash usually rambles.

I peaked around his shoulders so I could look at his face.  It has been my experience that his mouth might say one thing, but his eyes NEVER lie.

“Are you ok?”

And I saw it…that moment of terror before the barf explosion.  He clasped his hands over his mouth, I picked him up and sprinted to the bathroom.  He didn’t make it.  Barfed right on the floor.  I stayed with him waiting for the encore while the clean up crew did their due diligence.  Luckily we weren’t far from the bathroom, luckily they have wood floors and not carpet but most of all we were lucky there wasn’t an encore.  As soon as the initial vomit had left the building he felt fine and was back to normal.

*               *               *

A couple weeks ago we were visiting the In-Laws again.  Another typical week before and no one mentioned anything about feeling under the weather.  This time we were sitting in their carpeted living room.  Bash was acting pretty normal.  When I heard it…


I turned and looked and his eyes got HUGE, he clasped his hands over his mouth and starting running for the bathroom.  I darted after him.  He made it to the bathroom, phew!  Weird that he shut the door…  Don’t kids want their moms around when they are sick??

Slowly, I opened the door to find Bash laughing.  He was LAUGHING?!  I asked him what was so funny and you know what he said to me?

“Mom, you just fell for the oldest trick I know!”

Back to hysterics for him and a mix of annoyance and relief for me.

Who knew I had such a prankster.

The worst part is more than likely I’ll fall for is prank every. single. time.  Cry wolf all you want, I’m a sucker.

Check out Bash’s rendition of the story below…

Much love,
Jes xoxo