Gratitude Attitude Quote Board – DIY

Having a gratitude attitude is the best attitude to have. It’s easy to loose sight of what you’re grateful for when life gets in the way. I’ve created a quote board that I can write what I’m grateful for every single day. I’ve chosen to place this on my nightstand. Each night before bed I write at least one thing I’m grateful for. When I wake up each morning it’s the first thing I see in the morning!

Starting my day out being grateful has made a BIG impact on my family’s attitude as well! Get creative; what would your gratitude frame look like?

Supplies You’ll Need:  Sharpes, Dry Erase Markers, Picture Frame and Scrapbook paper!

Supplies: Sharpies, Scrapbook paper, Picture Frame and Dry Erase marker

Step 1 – Find a piece of scrapbook paper and cut it to fit the glass.

Fit the scrapbook paper to the glass.
Fit the scrapbook paper to the glass.

Step 2 – Take the dry erase marker and write a little saying on it. I choose a couple different ones. “Have an Attitude of Gratitude” and simply, “Gratitude Attitude”.IMG_1655

Step 3 – Flip the glass over and copy your letters with a permanent marker / sharpie, pick your favorite color or use a bold color like black. It will be weird at first, copying the letters backward but trust me, it’s the only way to keep your writing on the glass! Once you’re done flip it back over and wipe away the dry erase marker, making sure you’re letters look alright. Fix any issues.IMG_1657

Put the frame together with your piece of scrapbook paper and viola, it’s ready to write away! Be sure to use a dry erase marker so you can write new things you’re grateful for and most of all ENJOY!IMG_1658

Much Love for you!

Jes xo