
When it comes to technology, I consider myself a mean mom. In a nice way, of course.

My men, nine and seven, do not earn allowance they earn electronic time. This doesn’t include TV time, strictly speaking it includes the PS4 and iPad time. All week long, they have goals to meet and each one is related to how much time they earn.

Their goals, include but are not limited to: completing and turning in all of their homework, getting to school on time everyday, taking out the garbage and recycling, keeping their room clean and not being assholes. Any parent that allows YouTube time can probably agree with the not being assholes goal.

(Side note: Those YouTube gamers have an ear piercing scream that my little one has adopted. Being grounded from YouTube for 4 months THANKFULLY cured him.)

Any who… this way of life works for us.


The inspiration for this post comes from yesterday’s breakfast.

We are an old school family, in terms of, while we are having a meal together we talk.

Creativity is a MUST if the distracting devices aren’t present. I usually always have a journal with me, which one of my men can draw in but that leaves imagination to captivate the other one.


We played rounds and rounds of tic-tac-toe in a board we created with knifes and creamers. Unfortunately, for me, I can’t not say I beat him 45 games to 1. More often than not we tied. I think his strategy comes from learning chess and my sneak attack ways just aren’t working any more.

What do you do to entertain your monsters when you’re at a restaurant?

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