
Normally I don’t post about news stories.  But something in this tragedy has spoken to me.

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I don’t remember what year I realized that negative words have immense power.  I think it was in high school and then reinforced with a biology experiment I ready about from Masaru Emoto.    Masaru conducted an experiment where he talked to water and played music for water and then froze the water and depending on what was said to the water it dramatically changed the way the crystals were formed.  Pictured below asnowflakere some of his findings.

That study always interested me.  It got me thinking of what all the negative self talk we each do to ourselves daily.  Be mindful of the words you use on yourself; you inner warrior is listening.

When I watched The Secret the first time, Bob Proctor said something that has stuck with me to this day.  The concept behind The Secret is what you are thinking about you are attracting.  In his example he used debt.  He said his clients would always talk about getting out of debt and he said, “I don’t care if it’s getting out or in if you’re thinking debt, you’re attracting debt.”  His advice was to set up an automatic payment plan and start thinking about prosperity.  Bob also mentioned how Mother Teresa wouldn’t ever go to an anti war protest, but she would attend a pro-peace festival.

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I am fluent in swearing and often use the language more than I’d like to admit.  Some of my family members swear more than sailors.  My kids know the swear words and don’t use them but they have used words that I think are worse than the “F” word.  For instance HATE is a more dangerous word than dropping an F bomb or even saying shit; in my opinion.  When my kids say they hate each other or someone they get a time out.  I’m VERY strict about this because I don’t want that negative energy around my little humans.  After they finish their time out, I let them know the importance and power that Love has.  We are all connected, made of love and of energy.  In our house we don’t use the H word because we are Lovers.

Now it brings me to Orlando.  I’m not going to go into details or even opinions on what happened on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.  What I will do is continue to pray for peace and send love to not only the Orlando community but to the world.

I appreciate the people that are quick to jump on creating images for tragedies.  I have used many of them in the past and often feel part of something bigger by spreading the message through these images.  However one of the images really upset me.  I’m sure you’ve seen the one I’ll refer to but will not post.  It has a broken red heart in line with a yellow, green, blue and purple heart.  The hearts and rainbow colors are not upsetting, in fact I think they hit the nail on the head.  It’s the words above the hearts that upset me.  They should have stopped at “More Love.” and just left the H word out of there.

What you think about you bring about and all we need to be thinking and bringing about is LOVE.  Let’s just take the H word out of our vocabulary.  Love, Peace and Light are really the only things we need to focus on.

Much Love, Peace and Light to you and everyone.  Jes xoxo

blog post orlando