and…I’m Back!

About a month ago, I realized I can’t do it all.  I can’t juggle being a full time mom, wife, keeping the house clean, having two part-time jobs, try to be an ambassador for a few companies, post on social media and keep up on my blog.  Things suffered, things were done at a half ass level and I became extremely exhausted.

I went to a psychic to help me solve my “issues”.  When I sat down one of the first things she asked was why was I there?  She followed it up with, you already know the answers you seek, so why are you here?  Are you looking for validation?

I guess, I was.  Maybe I still am.  Sometimes it’s feels easier for someone to tell me that I’m doing the right thing rather than trust myself. But I’m learning to change.

*    *    *

Change can be a difficult but beautiful process.

Before I had my psychic appointment, I knew the tax and finance job had reached its end for me.  There wasn’t any growth opportunities for me and the idea of bringing my kids to daycare had lost all appeal.  But giving up a reputable job for waitressing??? I MUST be crazy, right?  You wouldn’t be alone in thinking that.  In fact, most people would probably agree with you, why on EARTH would I give up something like that to serve people?

The thing is waitressing is FUN!  I get paid to talk (which I’m good at) and help people relax after their day.  It actually works out to my benefit to show up to work as ME, something I had to tame down at my professional work environment.  There were some BIG time cons in the day job that eventually swayed me to put in my notice.  It was difficult.  It was also time.

That is the first job I’ve ever quit.

It took a lot of brave energy.  I walked away ready for a new adventure and VERY proud of myself.

  *   *   *

I want to thank each of you.  Thank you for sticking around even when I didn’t post.  Thank you for visiting and reading.  I promise to post more regularly now that I have my days free!  Who knows…now that beer is involved in my choice of employment the stories could get VERY interesting!


Much love and peace,

Jes xoxo