Meditation Monday – April

Mudra, Mudra, Mudra… this month is a good one!  Kali Mudra.Kali Mudra

This month we’re going to turn inward, destroy any negativity and be open for what the season changes will bring!

The mudra this month is created after Kali, the God of Empowerment, Creation and Power.  She is also known as the destroyer. Interlace your fingers keeping your index fingers pointing outward, your left thumb should cross over your right.

Spring is a season for growth.  While performing this meditation, envision your arms as a sword.  Imagine your sword cutting though any negativity or limiting beliefs you may have.  Use this meditation to cut past anything that’s been holding you back and allow yourself room to grow.

If you’d like to add more to the meditation you can add a yoga pose!  A good yoga pose to try this mudra in is Crescent Lunge or you can sit heels.  Start with your arms above your head and with a cutting motion bring your arms to heart level.  Repeat the motion.

If you’d like to add even more then you can silently say, “Sat nam”.  Sat Nam translates to “My Name is Truth”.