

Reading has always been one of my favorite pastimes and my imagination is wicked.  That being said I can’t read Stephen King.  I’ve been terrified of clowns ever since I tried reading IT.  I didn’t even come close to finishing the book, I got maybe 2 chapters in and started losing sleep; I decided it was best to just return the book.  Sleep is a necessity if it’s between Mr. King and sleep, I choose sleep.

Although Stephen King is not for me, I can’t even tell you how many other books I’ve read.  Like most things, I go through stages.  My “stages” include but are not limited to: poetry, memoirs, fiction, non-fiction, self-help and children’s books.

My husband doesn’t understand my fascination with literature.  He’ll be on one end of our couch watching You Tube videos while I’m on the other end reading.  On more than one occasion I have freaked.  him.  out.  by laughing out loud mid book.  What can I say, the characters become real to me.

Just a book?

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My latest stage of reading has brought about some interesting reads.  Some have been GREAT and others were b.o.r.i.n.g.   Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, I have picked up a bad habit…I can’t leave a book unread.  Even if it’s terrible I have to finish it.  This is not a trait, I particularly like to possess.

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On quite a few occasions books have stopped me in my tracks.  I’ll be reading, minding my own business, when BAM! a quote just gets to me.  I will literally stop reading and just think about what I just read.  It happened to me today.

I was taking my lunch break at work when this line in this book struck me like lightning.  It said, “Dead dreams rot within us”.

It got me thinking about the dreams I’ve had that I’ve let die.  Talk about baggage.  But there must be an expiration date on the rotting period because I can’t remember each death.  I’m a little grateful for that.

In the aftermath of that much needed pause, I thought, not so much of the ones that have expired but those that are on the verge of extinction.  The dreams that can be rescued.  In the freezing, cold, break room, I made a pact with myself to take two of my dreams and push play button instead of the snooze.  It’s time to take action.  There have been too many dreams that have died on my watch.  I won’t have it any more.

I challenge you to do the same.  What dreams have been lingering that you could take action on?  Or are you satisfied letting those innocent dreams fall into the unknown and become forgotten?

Food for thought,

Much Love,

Jes xoxo