Meditation Monday – January

This year, one of my focuses will be meditation.  I’ve tried some guided meditation and visualizing but this year, I want to try more of the traditional meditation.  Each month, on the first Monday, I will post the meditation I’ll be focusing on for the month.  Please, feel free to join me!

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I believe we all have to F.L.Y.  (First Love Yourself.)  Because this is so important I have chosen a non-harming sort of self love meditation for the month of January.

The mudra or hand position for this meditation is the lotus flower.  Your fingers are spread open with your thumbs and pinky fingers lined up together.

Lotus Mudra (Padma)

Cultivate thoughts and energy of peace and non-harming of yourself, others and the environment.

Chant or softly say the mantra, “Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu”.  This translates to “May beings in all realms experience the feeling state of ease”.

Go easy on yourself.  Say the mantra 3-5 times or set a timer for five minutes reciting the mantra the entire time. Use a Mala.  I suggest the self love mala I created with the Rose Quartz gemstone.

Self Love Mala

Most importantly, try again and again and again.  Within my meditation there have been many ups and downs.  If you are consistent with any practice it will become easier and easier.

Much Love,

Jes xoxo