
I never really considered myself a procrastinator.  If I put things off, I generally forget about it all together.  Maybe it’s from a concussion I had maybe it’s just me.  I’m not really sure.  Today I felt like the BIGGEST procrastinator.

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The holidays are coming and I don’t want my children to suffer from the gimmies…you know the – give me this, give me that – attitude.  It. Drives. Me. CRAZY!  While at Target the other week I came across a light up “Thankful” sign.  I thought our family NEEDS this but I didn’t buy it.  In an attempt to save money we are cutting out some unnecessary spending.  The decor was perfect for us, but we don’t have to have it.  I successfully step on to Target’s parking lot spending less than $20 (insert back patting).

I can’t stop thinking about the sign and that was a couple weeks ago.  Problems of a Target guest.

After consulting some people I kept on thinking about the sign and must have been talking about it because they all insisted I purchase it (insert happy dance!).  Today, I planned on making the purchase at our local Target and starting a gratitude attitude challenge for my family!  Each night at dinner, while we sit at the table, admiring our new decor, we will tell everyone what we are thankful for.  By appreciating what my family and I have when Christmas comes maybe the gimmies will not.

There were seven thankful signs at Target last week.  Today, there were none.  SOLD OUT.  I couldn’t believe it.  A worker told me that they were put on clearance…WHAT?!  We’re still WEEKS away from Thanksgiving why would you clearance them out?  I looked in that clearance isle for twenty minutes.  The website said they had some but alas, an employee said they didn’t and called the closest store and they couldn’t find the ONE they had in stock.  Did I mention there were seven a week ago?

When I got to my car, walking out spending $0 (insert another pat on back) I looked again on the website.  There was another store that said they had a few, so I called.  They did have a few and YES they would hold one for me!

My littlest man and I took off in hot pursuit of it!  We successfully executed our mission, even though we had to take a large detour to complete it.

thankful*               *               *

I used to think that time started flying after you had kids.  Mainly because I thought you measure time with their milestones.  They are born, sitting up, crawling,  walking, starting school, ect… The days / weeks / months / years pass QUICKLY.  Today though, realizing we’re still weeks from Thanksgiving and seeing that all of the Thanksgiving items are already 50-70% off, meanwhile Christmas decorations and trees are up EVERYWHERE I thought maybe it’s retail business that’s making the time fly.  We’re not even close to celebrating something before it’s put on the back shelves out of the way.

Make sure you take some time every single day, to just live in the moment.  Stand outside and just breathe in the fresh air right where you are.   Time goes fast, make sure you’re making the most of it.  AND most importantly, if you see something at Target you will think about for a couple weeks, buy it same day.  🙂

Much Love,

Jes xoxo