My husband told me

photo-4My husband told me today that I talk about doing, more than I actually do and I quit working out at the exact time that the reps matter the most. The most disheartening thing about both of these statements is they are both T.R.U.E. He’s right. I’m guilty as charged. Lock me up and throw away the key. Even though he has pinned me to the T, it still hurts to hear it.

I don’t know how or when it started. Perhaps its part of the center of my being always talking never doing. Are there half completed projects all over my house? Yes! I am the QUEEN of excuses. I don’t have time because of this or I’ll start right after I do that. It goes on and on and on and then on some more. Just thinking about this mess I’ve gotten myself in is making me a little repulsive with myself.

If you need advice on how to sell or how to get fit, I’m all about giving it, but do I live it? Why is it so easy for me to believe that it’s easier for you to do then me? If you have a problem I have a hundred solutions for you but if I have the same problem none of those same solutions work for me.

This can’t happen anymore. I’m making a pact with myself. No more talking without doing. In fact I’ll talk AFTER I’ve completed whatever I was going to talk about doing. My workouts are going to show big differences, when the burn starts burning I’m going to add to that fire instead of extinguishing the flame. This is MY TIME to BE, DO and DREAM of anything I want to. I will NO LONGER hold myself back. It is ok to be me.

Thank you, husband, for opening my eyes to my own decline.

xo Jes