Fierce Forward Ambassador

fierceAfter a semi-disappointing weekend, I received the greatest email EVER! Before I get into that…a backstory is needed.

I don’t apply myself. Often I stay stuck in what’s comfortable for FAR too long. I’ll stay in a position that isn’t suited for me for longer than I’ll admit because I just don’t get out there.

Years and years ago, I was a department leader for this corporation I used to work at. I didn’t LOVE it, but I was good at it. I had a great team and we were making the company look at us for how much product we pushed. There was a girl on my team, a very hard worker, and my backup, we’ll call her Nette. The company decided to up the starting pay for Nette’s position with hopes of bringing more talented people into the mix. Nette had been there for over a year and the new starting pay was more than she had been making. She met with the big wigs and asked them to up her pay to match what the new starting rate was. They said they would consider it.

After a few weeks they met with Nette and told her no, they wouldn’t up her pay. She argued a little stating if she quit and then got hired back she’d be making more than she was currently and she had over a years experience! I was on her side; she brought up excellent points that the big wigs brushed under the rug. So she quit. She told me to go with her and of course, I stayed. Years later, she would be working right from home at an excellent company making twice as much as she had previously. Almost double what I was making at the time. I. Could. Have. Died.

If I would have just taken that leap with her, started at the new company, I too could have been working from home. And more so I wouldn’t have gotten laid off.

Could have, should have, would haves right?

I’m happy for Nette but I do believe the Lord works in mysterious ways and his way for me wasn’t that.

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Recently I’ve removed myself from this comfort zone I’ve resided in my entire life. It started with my friend Robyn and cousin Ryan. I was about to do the Day Zero Project for the second time and they both suggested blogging my way through it. They don’t know each other and they live in separate states. I took it as a sign. It was my time to bring my 35+ journals to the internet.

Robyn has also introduced me to some phenomenal inspiring women. It seems a lot of people lack these types of communities in their lives and I was desperate for some. In face I still can’t get enough. Lori Harder is one of the people Robyn introduced me to. She’s a fitness model, competitor and champion. She’s also VERY motivational. She hosted this thing called Bliss in California. I wanted to go so bad, but it was an entire weekend, all the way in California and my kids are still a little too young to go that long without seeing me. When she brought Bliss on the road and headed to Chicago, for a Day Of Bliss I couldn’t say no! A carful of girlfriends made the road trip forever to be changed.

Ashley Johns had recently been added to Lori’s Busy Girl team and she was going to be in Chicago with her Fierce Forward collections. Fierce Forward is all about following your heart and empowerment. Ashley makes these bracelets called armor. The armor made of African Trade Beads to support women in Africa and the armor is to empower and arm you with intention!

The bracelets are beautiful, they are all hand crafted and the proceeds go directly to the women making them. Ashley had racks of her collections with her in Chicago each one is unique. While in the check out line after choosing Purpose and Love Ashley looked me in the eyes and it made me uncomfortable. Almost like she could see into the real ME. That hasn’t happened to me often but when it does I get a little uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable was brought up at A Day of Bliss, Lori mentioned a quote from Joseph Campbell, “Where in you stumble therein lies your treasure”. I immediately thought of Ashley and the look I got from here.

I previously had made a commitment to myself to start getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, so after A Day Of Bliss, I went home and followed Fierce Forward. I requested to be part of the Fierce Forward Nation and subscribed to the newsletters. I was SO moved by what Ashley was doing. You can find out more about Ashley’s story here. In the groups I saw that Ashley was looking for some Fierce Forward Ambassadors. People that were living fiercely should apply.

Immediately I went to the friends I went to Chicago with and tried to convince them that we should all apply. They said they would but when it came down to it I was the only one that sent my application in. There were certain things Ashley was looking for and I wasn’t sure if I met them, but by not applying I knew I would never know. Besides I feel FIERCE and I’m doing fierce things so why not me?

After a semi-disappointing weekend, I went on Facebook only to add to the disappointing weekend. The Ambassadors had been chosen and I didn’t get an email. Or so I thought… I remember putting my phone email address on the application so I would know immediately if I was picked but I had sent it from our home email account that I only check on my computer. Since I was already on that computer I thought I should just check the email in case. There it was! At first I thought I read it wrong or that she sent it to me in error but then I got another email with more details! It was the single greatest email I’ve ever received! Of course I had to re-read it about a million times!

I’m trying my hardest to be the best Ambassador I can be. Ashley said she saw something in each of us and I’m hoping to be true to her vision. I am having a BLAST and can’t believe the amount of support this growing community has. I’ve armed myself with intention every single day supporting the armor I chose to help me remember my goals and to live fiercely! If you need armor or a community of AMAZING people join us! Arm yourself with armor and be the person you were meant to be!

I chose Purpose to remind me that everyone here has a purpose, we were all meant to do something. Each person we meet is supposed to be in our lives for a reason, a purpose. I chose Love because all things are Love. Every being every thing, it’s all Love and who doesn’t need a little more Love in their life! I was gifted Fun at the end of the day and that one fits me too. My mom has always been high strung. She can’t relax and she’s A L W A Y S in a hurry. Sometimes you just need to slow down and have FUN!

Pursue Within,

xo Jes