Mala 101

I have used a Mala in my meditation practice for a few years now. But what exactly are they?  Why do I hear 108 associated with it?  What are they made of? How do you use them? In short Mala’s are meditation garlands.  They are used in meditation or prayer to keep you focused on […]

Being Authentic

My resolution for the new year was Freedom.  Mainly in the financial department.  Ironically working as a Financial Representative did not help us and we ended up getting into some financial trouble.  It’s difficult to get ahead when you end up behind with the IRS.  THIS year, fingers crossed, will be different. As the first month […]

Tax day is DONE!

Good news, beautiful people….tax day is done and now I can get back to posting regularly.  I work in a tax office and my hours were bumped up in order to ensure everyone’s taxes were taken care of on time.  With the season being officially over at 5pm today (for our office anyway) we are […]