Control Freak

I had a boss that told me I was a control freak. I didn’t believe him.

Then, my kid got himself grounded for spending money he shouldn’t have on fortnite.

Unfortunately this wasn’t the first offense. Since he hadn’t learned from his mistakes and being forgiven before clearly didn’t solve the issue, this time we decided to be extreme in the punishment.

He was grounded for a minimum of three weeks and he had to pay back every single penny. I’m not sure he heard the second part of his sentencing because about two weeks in he started counting down his return to electronics. He was less than thrilled to find out he had to work.

The payment list consisted of a mix of things that I wanted of him (better grades) and chores I wanted a break from (laundry).

His school uses a number system for grading and while 8’s are the max he generally comes in at a 3. My husband and I decided anything 6 and up could earn money. Wouldn’t you know that little shit can get good grades!

He was very smart about his payment method. He’d focus on the high dollar amounts like shoveling the driveway, but when it came down to it the monotonous daily chores ended up being his life line to to watching his balance recede.

The laundry…

First I have to let you know that we have open shelves in the bathroom. You can’t just haphazardly throw towels on the shelf. If basic things are out of place it throws the entire room out of balance and it looks messy no matter how clean it is.

I don’t even know when I started folding towels like I do or who showed me but I can’t undo this learning, and YES I refold every one that isn’t ”right”. After making him re-fold the same towel 7 times he finally started to get it.

Now he’s a pro! I would probably even let him fold a basket of towels without me.

To his future spouse…you’re welcome.

Namaste, Jes xoxo