It takes a village

Things have been just a little chaotic over here.

The hubs is still working a different shift than me, which is pretty great. We don’t have to scramble around to find people to watch the men, they can always just be at home. It seems to have worked out in our benefit for years, that is until recently…

Sports… (insert head shaking) this ex-volleyball/track runner misses the good ol’ days of the activity bus that brought kids to / from and home after their done sports days. Whatever happened to that? Is that a High School thing or a in the past thing??

The double up sports practices started this summer. The little one is in soccer and the big one is in football again. The problem is the soccer games are at the same time as football, but in a different towns!

I’m not going to lie, it’s been a stressful couple weeks and I am the only one that seems to carry the weight of it all.

Football equipment pickups were the same time as a soccer game, I couldn’t be two places at once…do I miss the game and make sure the big one is set for the season or do I miss the pickup and catch every second of the game?

Luckily I didn’t have to make the choice. A football mom took the big one to his equipment pickup. Later that week a soccer mom stayed late to make sure I could pickup the big one while the little one was still at practice, when I questioned both of them to make sure it wasn’t inconveniencing their families they both responded: “it takes a village”.

And that it does.

Even when you feel like you’re alone in the parenting battle you must know, you’re not. When all hope is lost find the small crack of light. We are all in this journey together. If our paths have crossed, it was meant to happen…and I may ask you to stay at practice or drive my men home!!

We are meant for connection, for becoming part of a tribe; not only does it take a village to raise a kid, but it takes a tribe to be you. Find your tribe and love them HARD.