The Candy bar

Do you remember teacher appreciation week when you were a kid?

I remember picking flowers at the end of our driveway and handing them to our teacher along with a handwritten note of thanks. Maybe it was more than that, but I don’t remember it being how it is now.

It could be a public school vs charter school thing or maybe our PTO is better than your PTO 😉 regardless, the PTO pulls out the red carpet to appreciate the teachers. EVERY year they come up with new creative ideas to honor the educators.

My men have created paintings for the teachers, made gift baskets, bought/picked flowers, gift cards, candles, I mean you name it and it’s probably been suggested.

This year a candy bar and a note of appreciation was suggested.

We went to the store the boys picked out cute and funny cards and their favorite candy bar to give to their teachers.

This is also the first year I helped with the gifts but wasn’t there when they brought them to school. As it would turn out BEING there is a BIG part in the teacher actually receiving said appreciation…who knew?

It was probably a week after the red carpet was put away and normal-ness set back in when I saw it. I don’t remember exactly why I walked over to the big ones desk, maybe it was to look for his missing homework but there, right on the top of his bookshelf was the half eaten TEACHER’s candy bar…

When I asked him about it, he said, “I was going to give it to her but it told me to eat it”.

Neither one of them have ever used the dog ate my homework excuse, but the candy bar telling them to eat it…that is one I haven’t heard.

Most kids parents would probably think, no big deal, we did PLENTY of other things for the teacher.

But I am NOT most parents.

That gift was NOT for him and he should have to FESS UP!

I took him BACK to the store and he bought a NEW candy bar and I made him write a confession letter. To say he was mildly disappointed is an understatement. But I didn’t care.

I asked him EVERY day if he had given the new envelope with the new candy bar and re-written card and every day he said no. There is was starring at me from his backpack. All I could think was, at least it hadn’t been eaten…YET!!

After I threatened no electronics for the weekend he FINALLY gave it to her.

At their graduation, she told me that she laughed really hard and it was definitely the highlight of appreciation week. His card is pretty funny!