Push ups

106 days ago, the new “normal“ started.

I haven’t adjusted well.

I didn’t know that until a conversation I had last week. Over fireworks and beers I upset the new neighbor. He’s a nice military driven individual that said I could make it up to him by doing military pushups.

Not one to back down from a challenge, I accepted.

The realization that I haven’t adjusted wouldn’t happen that night but when I went to work. One of patrons was there during the pushup debacle and brought it up to my other customers. He said I struggled but I think after quite a few beers and happy hour pushups (2-4-1’s are apparently military style??) I exceeded my expectations of myself. BUT because I do yoga maybe it was expected that I would/could crank them out faster and better?

The realization club smacked me in the face.

I haven’t been practicing yoga.

After the Yoga studio I worked at closed and distant learning started I never made any time for myself. Homework, housework and the stress of figuring out and adjusting to this new way of life consumed me and sucked out everything important to me.

I stopped meditating and started yelling.

I stopped moving and started laying around and eating.

The weights I used to lift morphed into stress that I couldn’t budge. Pajamas can become a motivation sucking vortex, IF you let them.

Going back to work has showed me that I’m not very good at staying at home. Even as an introvert I need to be social. And my friends are the accountability partners I need to be the best me I can.

I’m on a 3 day yoga streak. Everyday I roll my mat out and move. Slowly I can feel myself returning, the stress lifting and the patience coming back.

To my mat, I’ve missed you old friend!

Hello Friend, I’ve missed you.

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