Be Real

My mom has this friend that has an overly clean house. The kind of house that makes you wonder if people actually live there. Beds made perfectly, everything in it’s place, countertops sparkling and the couch cushions freshly fluffed.

I’m sure you know someone like that.

The thing that has always been unsettling to me, is it doesn’t look like life is LIVED there. Everything is too perfect. Reflecting now, it makes me think of social media.

The platforms of social media are insane. The photo editing, the staged everything…

Are only perfect lives worth showing? Have we become too scared to show the raw reality of what really goes on? It’s like everyone is staring in their own reality TV show and when ‘ACTION!’ is called people change.

Live Unfiltered

I don’t live that kind of life. My life is messy, complicated at times, interwoven with others and that can cause more complications or ease; depending on the person. I don’t post on social media everyday because sometimes I just don’t have anything to say and quite frankly I would rather be living in the moment than trying to create the “perfect” moment to show others.

You don’t want to be me. You GET to be YOU. Showcase you’re intricacies. Rock that punk-rocked patched jean jacket like a badge of honor. You earned those scars, you survived those events that shaped you, you are imperfectly you.

We don’t need more of the fake happiness of people that are showing off. We need REAL vulnerable humans that are living a messy, unfiltered life.

Don’t showcase the highlight reel. Just be real. The kind of real that makes others think, “FUCK, am I glad I’m not the only one”.