
Take 2…

Remember that time that you didn’t save your work before you tried adding some frills to it, and then you lost it? Yeah, that just happened. SO this is take two. It’s probably going to be better than the first attempt.

I like train tracks. They are so simple. Pick up at point A drop off at point B…simple. When I say I was late to the blogging train it’s bitter sweet. Sure I was late, but that train still stopped and picked me up. It also drove straight past podcasts, which I was also late to arriving at.

My soul feeds on drop the mic moments. You know the ones, the ones where you literally drop your jaw and your mind gets blown right out of the water. Show stoppers. I live for them. My favorite parts of books are the parts that you read and then take a couple days to chew on the knowledge and digest it completely before diving back in. I am not ashamed to say a good book will take me quite a while to read.

Yesterday a podcast stopped me in my tracks.

I was listening to Rock Your Bliss’s podcast and because I was late to the train, I’m catching up on past seasons. In Episode 31 the dynamic duo interviews Amber Rae. Amber Rae was talking about her creative process writing her new book. Specifically she was talking about different workshops she had been to and pieces of advice (showstoppers) she had been given along the way. Cheryl Strayed was speaking at a workshop and asked the audience, “do you tell your journal the truth?”

Journal is as journal does...




Do you tell your journal the truth?

For those of you that don’t know, I have a long standing journaling habit. I don’t remember ever not writing. As a self identified introvert I’ve always operated best processing life quietly though meditation and journaling. I have countless years documented. It’s become very therapeutic for me. The pen and paper seem to soak up the energy that isn’t serving me and I often feel like a shell that’s cracked open letting the growth begin.

When I heard that line yesterday, “do you tell your journal the truth” it hit me hard. I pushed the pause button and thought about that. If I’m being completely honest with myself I do not.

Honest, yes, total truth, no.

When I really thought about it, my holding back from total truth stems (as most things do) from fear. I’m afraid of the judgements that will come from MY perception of MY story. I’ve learned over the years that trust is easy to loose and hard to regain, so if I leave little truths out and someone reads it all is well. IF I housed all the truths and they were read, I’m not sure the context would justify my perceptions.

But should they?

Shouldn’t my perceptions be JUST that, mine? Journaling is after all an art that can be perceived many ways, so if I am committed to my art and my voice, shouldn’t it be raw and full of the vulnerabilities of my truth? I’ve never once looked at a painting and thought, their perception of should be held back. I don’t think art works that way.

So here I am, today, May 1st thinking about things in a completely different way.

Sure, I was late to the blogging train, but you know what? That gave the No Fucks train time to catch up and I’m ready to jump tracks.

Who’s in?

Namaste, Jes xoxo