Stone of Evolution Mala

This Mala is perfect for the a more traditional meditator.  The person that likes a sense of uniqueness.

Components: Sandalwood / Lava Beads / Buddha / African Turquoise

The Guru bead is from an old Tibetan Mala.

Sandalwood beads are said to help calm and focus your mind.

Lava Beads are known for diffusing.  If you have a favorite essential oil to pair with your meditation put a drop on the lava beads to help your mind focus in.  Lava stones are known for grounding and finding a sense of calm and balance.

African Turquoise is a stone that awakens your soul to its intended purpose.  It encourages positivity and wisdom.

This Mala is $54.

Please send us an email ( or direct message on Instagram for purchase!