Being YOU

Instagram is so pretty.  I look in awe at everyone’s life and wonder how I can get mine to be just a little more like theirs.  Then I remember, like snapchat, there are filters and people use them.

It’s hard to get a glimpse of “real-life” when you look at instagram.

The filters and the 800 shots to make it perfect are hardly ‘real-life’ at all.  It seems Life is passing us by and most of us don’t even notice.  The seconds we waste scrolling in envy of others lives turn into minutes which become hours and before you know it days and weeks have flown by.  Are the best parts of your day spent glued to a screen?

I digress….

Instagram is not how I wanted to spend this post, but it seemed a good intro.

A podcast I recently listened to is how I meant to start this post.

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I live for vision boards and have a giant one at the end of my bed.  It’s the first thing I look at and one of the last things I see before I hit the hay.

Mine has everything on it from yoga, writing, travel, meditation and family adventures.  It’s actually pretty great and encompasses most everything I admire.


This Rock Your Bliss podcast I listened to the other day made me question EVERYTHING I have put on a vision board.  Let’s be clear, when I say “the other day” it was probably closer to two months ago, one thing is for certain, it was definitely heard on Rock Your Bliss podcast.  I believe it was the amazing Jackie Carr that mentioned it.  She was talking about creating vision boards and how it was important for her to really get in touch and figure out what SHE wanted.

She mentioned that she got caught up in what other people wanted and that stuff started ending up on HER vision board.  When she reflected and actually looked at her board she realized that changes needed to be made.

Most vision boards I’ve created have been on a solo mission with a candle lit and a chick flick as background noise.  Some however WERE in the presence of others and I CAN see how those were altered.  Maybe it was their energy or perhaps their intention that drifted across the table and ended up on my board.

As the New Year commences, I hope that you settle into a meditation that works for you.  I hope that if you set resolutions, intentions or create a vision board that it TRULY reflects you.  Not the life you think you should lead, not the life you may envy in others, the life that sets YOU in a fiery passion.  One that makes you feel SO alive you want to scream from the rooftops one that makes you feel like the unique being you are instead of a copy cat.


You are perfect just the way you are.

Be perfectly you.

In a world where you can be anything, be YOURSELF, everyone else is taken.

It’s times like these I’ll take my own advice.


Be yourself because no one can tell you you’re doing it wrong.

Much Love,
Jes xoxo
