
Walk you own path, trust your journey.

There are lessons to be learned everywhere.

A couple Wednesday’s ago, my littlest one had his tonsils removed. This particular hospital did the surgery’s in order of youngest to oldest. This worked out great because my little guy could sleep on the way to the hospital, wake up, get checked in, have the surgery and be recovering by noon. Little did I know you had to be there over an hour BEFORE your scheduled surgery time. Waking up at 4 am isn’t ever easy, but if you throw in a venti Starbucks Blonde Roast coffee on the way, I can make it work.

People always joke that Minnesota has two seasons: winter and construction, the joke isn’t funny it’s true! On that dark Wednesday morning as I twisted and turned through the newly placed concrete barriers looking for detour signs that would get me on the correct freeway I made the choice to follow someone that looked to be on the same detour as me. The people in the minivan in front of me were not going on the same path, in fact, following them, resulted in me trying to get back on the freeway in a left entrance only to have to take the immediate exit all the way on the right. Cutting over 4 lanes of traffic to make an exit, that you don’t actually make in the lane, but rather on the grass is a sure fire way to get your heart beating faster than a tabata session.

While my heart slowed to normal, I appreciated the guardian angels that helped guide me across those lanes and realized the lesson. Don’t follow anyone. Trust your own path. Following results in detours that are out of your way and add unneeded mileage to your journey.

My little man’s surgery went well. It was hard seeing him take the anesthesia, not really knowing what’s happening and reaching for me for comfort but now he’s healing just fine. The days after were good, bad and ugly depending on the time and day.

Much Love,

Jes xoxo