Boys will be boys…

My mom has been telling me for weeks that my boys are BRATS.  She tells me this daily and she also says that I’m going to be in big trouble if I don’t do something now.IMG_1114

I have two healthy boys full of energy and spunk.  Bash (5) is smart, caring & dramatic.  Lij (3) is thoughtful, loving & hilarious.  My boys wrestle, cuddle, fight and play together.  Boys will be boys, right?


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I grew up in a very strict household.  Things were expected of me.  My dad worked full-time and owned / ran two small businesses on the side.  I didn’t go to school football games, instead I drove into Wisconsin to load trucks every weekend.  Then I would spend the rest of the weekend being copilot and unloading the trucks.  It wasn’t all bad.  I got paid well, the quality time with my dad was (and still is) priceless, I learned excellent work ethic and I stayed out of trouble.

My brother, though we shared the same roof, did not have such a strict upbringing.  I was trained from an early age to “help” him.  I talked for him (until he was 4), picked up his toys for him (until he didn’t play with toys anymore) and did his chores (until I moved out).  My brother didn’t listen and “worked” my parents until he got his way every. single. time.  It was almost magic the way he could manipulate them.  It was because of his irresponsibilities that I had to be extra responsible.

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As the years of childhood passed and adulthood stood on the horizon I began to realize how much my upbringing affected me.  Now, as a parent, I find myself being more relax with my boys than my parents were with me.  Maybe it’s because I have boys and I’m not parenting girls.  Maybe it’s because I want my little men to have the freedom to find themselves and be comfortable in their skin while they are growing up and not have to wait until they are adults to start figuring out who they are.

I might be raising brats and honestly as long as they love themselves I don’t really give a damn.

Much love,

Jes xoxo