National Dog Day

In honor of National dog day I thought I’d share a story of my beloved pooches.

Meet the girls...Leea on the left, Lucinda on the right.
Meet the girls…Leea on the left, Lucinda on the right.

I’ve always been a dog person.  Since I was a baby I’ve always had a dog by my side.  My parents bought a dog that was born a week later than I and we shared my crib.  As the two of us grew we shared everything.  She was my best friend.  We went everywhere together.

When I was a small girl, living in Colorado, I would wake up before everyone in the house.  Our neighbors were elder and also early birds.  Every morning I would have breakfast with them.  I wouldn’t tell anyone where I was going I would just leave.  Instead of worrying or yelling for me my parents would just look for my dog.  My dog would always be sitting on the neighbors porch waiting for me.  Once I was done with breakfast we would walk back home together.

We spent 17 glorious years together.

 *                    *                     *

After my now husband and I started dating the first thing I wanted to get was a dog.  Not a big dog like all of my other dogs have been but a little tiny dog.  I really like Min Pins.  I mentioned it a couple times to my boyfriend, but then kind of forgot about it.

A few months later my boyfriend and I took a road trip, he had a surprise planned!  We drove a few hours north and I got more and more impatient as the miles passed.  Eventually we arrived at a house that had a puppy sign on the front.  He told me before we went in that he wanted to buy me a little dog and found this place that had Min Pins.

The puppies were running around crazy when we got there but I knew exactly which one I wanted.  She ran right up to me and licked me.  She also peed on the floor, but we looked past that!  Lucinda became part of our family right then.  Her half sister Leea joined us a year later.

Lucinda & Leea have brought a lot of joy to our family.  Lucinda or Loudini, as we like to call her, has gotten out of all the cages / kennels we’ve ever put her in.  In fact a few months after we got her we came home to her sitting on the couch, bite marks in the remote control with the TV on.  When we said, “Louy…what are you doing”, she smiled.  Literally smiled, showed ALL of her teeth and continues to smile every single day.

*              *               *

Last week, we had a wacky Wednesday.  It was the wackiest day I’ve had in my all of my years.  I don’t work on Wednesdays so the day started out as normal.  The boys and I head to the library and check out some books.  Then we come home to do laundry and clean the house.

The cat had been looking and acting weird all day.  When we came home I let my pooches out to roam the backyard and when they came in the cat lost her mind.  Her ears turned back and she attacked my girls!  Like claws came out, when in Leea’s neck and they were wrestling.  I hate to admit this, but Gus (the cat) kicked Leea’s ass.  I mean, KICKED HER ASS!  Leea lost a tooth in the battle.  No. Joke.

Tooth knocker outer - Gus
Tooth knocker outer – Gus

Later that same day I was putting some shoes away in the garage and uncovered a MOUSE!  Cliche as it may be, but the initial reaction I took was screaming and running.  Me the 5’10” giant compared to this itty bitty fury creature took off screaming and jumped on a chair.  My husband and little men came running to see what the hell was going on.  I told them there was a mouse under the slippers.  When they moved the slippers the mouse was still there!  My oldest went to go grab the cat.  I think the cat is #teamMice because the cat saw the mouse and walked away.

The men decided to call the backup squad since the one that should have taken care of the mouse walked off.  The backup squad consists of Lucinda.  As soon as she was called to the scene she took action.  She chased the mouse and even captured it in her mouth.

The cat beats the teeth out of the smallest dog and the bigger dog catches mice.  If that wasn’t a wacky Wednesday I don’t know what is.

Happy National Dog day!

Much love,

Jes xoxo