Goal begins with GO

gobedo“A goal without a plan is just a wish” someone said once.  Let’s turn those wishes into actions!  I challenge you to come up with 5 goals and use the summer season to complete them.  They do not have to be super challenging but they do have to be something that makes you want to JUMP out of bed in the morning.  June 21st to September 23 four months to complete 5 goals.  Maybe you want to start meditating once a week, getting up early to work out or go to bed early; anything that you’ve been wanting to do but have been holding off on doing should be a goal candidate.

Make sure it’s something you can stick to and if you’re not used to using goals start small.  Doing something once a week or month is plenty in the beginning!


I’m working on my 5 goals and want to hear about yours!  Comment below!

Much Love,

Jes xoxo