It’s happened…

bigstock-motivational-concept-got-mot-30228101It’s happened.  My motivation has left my body.  It’s not for lack of results, because they are clearly there and I feel so much better but my dear friend packed up and moved the F out.  I can’t say I’m too surprised I wasn’t treating him very well.  I would make him wait until the kids were sleeping or until my husband came home from work or after phone calls.  When my motivation would bug me I’d put him on the back-burner, not paying him much attention until it was convenient for me and now I’m paying for it in the worst way.
I will say that within my juggling act about 4 eggs are as much as I can handle and right now I have about 10 eggs that are ready to drop at any moment.  But which ones do you set down?  The marriage egg? Family? House work/laundry? Work? Blog? Social media? Extended family? Friends?  Workout/fitness? Myself? Or this super awesome project I’ve been invited to be a part of.  I just don’t know where corners can be cut and as a result motivation packed up.
If anyone knows how to sweet talk motivation into returning I am all ears.  While I patiently wait, hoping he comes back all on his own, I think I will workout.  Maybe if he sees I haven’t given up on him just because he’s left he’ll forgive me and return.
Much Love,
Jes xoxo