Week One Progress #noexcuses

As you know two weeks ago I had FINALLY had enough of being uncomfortable in my skin.  I got myself an accountability partner and set my intentions to get fit, once and for all.  Now I’m here to update you with the honest truth.  I KILLED it!  I made significant progress in all areas!

Using My Fitness Pal really helped me make sure my calories are in line.  It also warned me that I eat too many pickles.  It yells at me for my sodium intake at least once a day.  To my defense, if Gedney wouldn’t make the world’s best pickles, I wouldn’t have to eat…everyday…at least twice.  MFP is also concerned with my cholesterol due eating eggs for breakfast everyday.  You can’t win them all and I’m proud of myself regardless if my diet is on track or not.  My original plan, that I am sticking to is: workout constantly, monitor calories and get consistent THEN fix the diet.

Because I’m a mom, wife, part-time worker, part-time blogger, home owner….the list goes on…I felt like I couldn’t find time to do workouts before.  And while some of the time it is hard to get them in, last week I did it.  Time is time.  The clock revolves quickly every. single. day.  how you spend your hours is your choice.  I will admit, that I have a custom plan made strictly for me by my cousin.  He knows my situation and customized a four day strength routine that honestly takes more time talking myself out of then it takes to actually do it.  I pair that with a 12 minute HIIT session off You Tube from the amazing BodyRockers and that’s all I do, for now.  This week yoga starts up again, so I’ll also throw that into the mix.

I bend so I don't break.  Yoga keeps you in shape mentally and physically.  Get on your yoga mat every day. #YogaQuote


I must say, after working out for the four days in a row, I was actually wondering what to do with myself for the remaining three.  Once you get the time slot in there and make it a point to show up to the date with yourself routine shows up fairly quickly.  I did a lot of yoga over the weekend.  One because I love yoga.  Two because my muscles were REALLY sore and three I wanted constancy and taking that time out every single day feels good!  Moving for just 10-20 minutes a day felt amazing and I’m excited for this new week!

Now the scale part of things.  The evil glass monster living in my bedroom, I couldn’t help but wonder if my results would show up or not.  My accountability partner Namaste Mari and I made a pact we would only weigh ourselves once a week.  Always on Friday morning.  When Friday morning came, I was really nervous!  Regardless what the evil monster said I was proud of myself for just showing up…because that’s sometimes all it takes.  It turns out I didn’t need to be that scared because I was able to move some marbles into the KILLED jar!  Mari too, a successful week for the both of us!  Happy danced routine done and then I headed into the weekend.

I’m not going to lie, weekends are hard.  When you have company over, well, lets just say it makes it even harder.  I can’t exactly force my guests to eat kale and spinach all weekend long.  I ate a lot of what they ate, which I logged in MFP.  Normally I would have just skipped the weekend counting calories.  I would have indulged in a few too many beers, burgers, pizzas and cokes, but then I would have ultimately let myself down.  I had one beer.  I had a burger.  I’m not mad or disappointed at myself because I am a normal American human.  We do those things sometimes.  I didn’t over indulge and I definitely learned a lesson, come prepared or risk the consequences.  Next time I know that there will be chips, pop, burgers, beer in the fish house (we went ice fishing) and I should bring some healthy snacks if I don’t want to be tempted.

You just have to start.  You don’t have to be perfect.  This isn’t about never messing up or giving up things that you love, it’s about balance.  Have the burger, have the beer take the kids sledding and walk up and down the sledding hills to burn some of it off.  Eventually I’d love to be really mindful of what I’m fueling my body with.  Do I expect my family to give up everything with me?  No.  Not a chance.  I want them to support me and not tempt me but I would never ask them to quit with me because this is a choice I’m making for myself.  If they decide they want to eat mindfully then I will support them in that as well.  Leading by example is the best way to lead.

Much love,

Jes xoxo

PS.  In doing the #SweatPink #Noexcuses challenge, they picked one of my photos and I won a FlipBelt!  I’ll have to let you know what I think of it once I get it, but I’m super excited!!