
I was one of those girls you probably hated in high school. Not because I was mean and popular but because I could eat anything and loose weight. I have always eaten whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. When I was pregnant I didn’t look pregnant. My stomach looked more like two chipotle burritos stacked on top of one another. Nursing helped me loose the weight really quickly and I was back to my pre-pregnant weight a few short months after.

Then something just happened. All of a sudden I was either uncomfortable in my skin or I realized I’m not at all where I want to be fitness/weight wise, flexibility wise and mind wise. The three wise women have left this building without so much as a CLUE on where they went.

Over the summer I began to realize that I could drops some inches and pounds and feel way more comfortable in a bikini. Normal people would have just started eating right and exercising when that first thought occurred. I did not. Late in the summer I joined a workout team. Paying on on-line trainer I thought would give me the push I needed. A custom workout plan and an accountability team was just what I needed, right?! But that didn’t work out. The team, while amazing, was too overwhelming for my scheduled. I couldn’t check in as often as was required and do the LONG workouts. The second month my trainer fixed the length of the workouts which helped but shortly after that I would go through the worst time in my life. I quit the team. I wasn’t doing the workouts, I couldn’t check in that many times and the daily to dos were just too much for me.

After eating myself out of a slight depression here I sit, 10 pounds worse than I was sitting on the beach last summer and FINALLY realizing I need to get to the best me. I don’t need love handles or a pouch; they are not serving me. My muscles are coming out of hiding thanks to an AMAZING woman!

Let me introduce you to Namaste Mari! She is a fellow Fierce Forward Ambassador, like myself, and so inspiring that I feel blessed to have come across her story but also feeling SUPER blessed that she doesn’t dodge my messages!

Last Friday we got talking; she is a trainer and I went to her with some fitness questions. I’ve been thinking of purchasing a fitness watch and wanted her opinion on which she prefers. After an hour of spilling out my plans she tells me that she’s in need of an accountability partner and wonders if I want to be it…are. you. kidding. me? OF COURSE! This woman is so inspiring to me I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am to have her with me on this journey I’m about to embark on.

Over the weekend I prepped.

  • New scale purchased. Weighted myself…worse than I thought, but that’s ok because it changes NOW.
  • New Polar FT7 purchased. I do work out sometimes, I’m interested to see what kind of calories I’m burning.
  • Before pictures taken and exchanged. That is never an easy thing to do.
  • Marble jars made and filled. Mari does this and I saw it on Pinterest a while back, hoping the motivation of seeing the marbles move to the killed jar will help me on days that I don’t want to be consistant.Weight Jars
  • An Accountability Partner. I couldn’t have prayed for a better one!
  • My Fitness Pal – all signed up and ready to track everything!
  • A new #sweatpink 52 week fitness challenge. Signed up and ready to rock it! I’m also a Sweat Pinkambassador and took this as a sign since the slogan is #noexcuses and I have made plenty.unnamed
  • Fierce Forward Sisterhood – Fierce woman with rocking goals to be there in case I need them.  AND Fierce Forward is also doing a weekly challenge!
  • Me. Including my family. I need everyone on my side but mostly I need to be my own cheerleader and hold myself accountable for the things I’m doing to MY body. If I don’t, who will?


Today is a new day. A new start to a new me, in a new year. I’m thrilled! Pictures of Lori Harder (my dream body) are up on my vision boards and I’m ready to get this under way!

PS. I will try and post the Sweat Pink new challenges every week, just incase you want to join in!

Here they are for this week:

M – 30 Sec Plank.

T – Run/Walk for 1 mile.

W – 10 burpees (any variation)

Th – 20 Squats (any variation)

F – #FREEFriday – choose something to share and tag #NoExcuses

S – share a healthy snack or recipe.


Let’s do this!

Jes xoxo