Un-becoming in 2015

The New Year.

As the worst year of my life rounds out to end, I think not of the struggles that have dragged me down but of the battles I conquered. A friend of mine sent me this quote…


It just makes so much sense to me. I don’t need to BECOME anything. I already AM. I just need to un-become the things that are not true about me. That’s what 2015 will be for me, the year of the UN-BECOMING.

Of course it is a tradition of mine to include some resolutions – after all I am a goal-oriented person! My resolutions for 2015 will include: Biking across MN, running 5 races (most will be virtual), paying off a credit card and… shoot…I can’t remember.

I actually have a growing list of things I want to accomplish, but most of them I’m not ready to set out and complete yet. In order to be successful, timing plays a VERY important role. Just to give you an idea, I’d like to become a yoga instructor and study the Course in Miracles. Both of those goals have lengthy timeframes attached to them. Since my boys are still young I don’t feel like I can dedicate the necessary time needed to finish them. Instead of diving fully in, I’ll keep going to yoga classes and practice on my own. As for a Course in Miracles I’ll continue to read on it and wait until I have a dedicated amount of time to submerge myself in.

365 days is a long time, but I don’t fully expect myself to un-become everything. We’re talking about years and layers upon layers of shedding I’ll need to do before I can truly be the person I am. I imagine the more I shed the easier it will be for me to bloom. Aren’t we all just buds wrapped tight in our own lives that we forget how beautiful we are when we just let go and bloom?

Bring on 2015!

Much love,

Jes xoxo