Words Have Power

I’m reminded of my childhood and some of the best advice to this day came from Disney movies.

“Never look back darling, it distracts from the now.” Edna Mode – The Incredibles

“Sometimes, the right path is not the easiest one.” Grandmother Willow – Pocahontas

The one that sticks out and inspires this post is:

“If you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all,” courtesy of Thumper’s mother.

Words have BIG power.  When you combine words together you have the power to make or break someone.

The Netflix show Thirteen Reasons Why showcases exactly how powerful words can be.  Pair that with action or no action and anyone has the ability to create tragedy for someone else; even if that wasn’t their intention.

My story, is NOT to the caliber of Thirteen Reasons Why, however someone’s lack of mindfulness was the cause of heartbreak, sorrow and the questioning of my abilities.  That’s the power words have.  They can melt you into a puddle of love or leave you shattered.

*               *

This post might rock the boat, but the whole point of this blog and my YEARS of journaling is to write it out.  Get the toxic feelings out so I can grow.

I feel like I grew up with my parents.  They were young when they had me and although they have many great party stories they worked or stayed home to raise us instead of gaining experiences through travel or schooling of some sort.  I’m not saying they don’t give advice that I use, I’m just saying their nuggets of wisdom that have stuck with me are a little far between.  Because of this, I’ve often searched for wisdom givers mainly of the female variety.

Some of the woman that have joined my path have been very knowledgable, others I’ve given more benefit to and have been left jilted.  The blame is my responsibility, it is certain when you put someone on a pedestal they will treat you like you are beneath them.

Recently, I trusted someone enough to pay them to be my guru.  I wanted to walk away with a deeper understanding of me and my eight-limbed path of a yogic life.  What I got instead was a pose teacher (which is my least favorite limb – due to my hip inflexibility).  What’s worse is on graduation day this teacher said I wasn’t ready to teach.

I took immediate offense and let it ruin my happy day.  In the last few months I’ve given up a lot of stuff for what I hoped would be insight and motivation to my path.  Now at the end of the program, I’m defeated and shattered by the person I paid to lead me.

After tears, hours and some reflection I realized it’s not on me.

I gave her four months to get me ready and the person she sees isn’t there, but I am NOT the person she sees.  I am who I see.

“Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it.” Merida – Brave






It is not what others perceive of you, it is YOUR perception of you that matters.  All the other stuff is just noise.

*               *

This week I taught my first full length yoga class.  A dear friend came to my class and made me her intention (she told me later).  That positive energy transcribed to me because I was nervous but the nerves didn’t win.  Somehow I made it through that hour and survived.

There will be voices that doubt, you must not listen.  Those voices may be in the form of teachers or guides but you must always listen to your heart FIRST.

I leave you today, with a full heart and the wisdom of Shel.

Wisdom at its finest

Peace, Love and Namaste,

Jes xoxo