Consider it Pension…

When you have five job changes in a year things get away from you. The house is messier, the laundry has extra wrinkles, homework gets overlooked and you rarely have time to clean out your wallet.

Now that I’ve had a consistent schedule for a month I’ve been able to pay attention to the minor details that often get overlooked, like the wallet clean out. I found a check from a past employer I was saving for a rainy day, though the day was rainy it became even more so when I realized it was expired. I reached out to the owner and though the company has been under new management they honored my time worked and reissued the check!

I love family-owned-small-town-businesses.

The transition back to corporate America has been much like moving back home in your 30’s…you remember the rules, respect the leaders but question how you ended up there in the first place, especially when you’re too grown to have you’re parents be roomies.


I was given the option to either have the check mailed or exchanged in person, being the social person I am I chose the meetup. To sweeten the pot, others were invited. It was so nice to get back together with people that know me.

Over a couple White Claws and ’how’ve you beens’ we reconnected.

The most refreshing thing about it was the conversation. We covered all kinds of topics that are shunned in this day in age especially around mixed company.

From boob jobs, scantily clad dressed madams, cloud seating, gamers, internet money makers, isolated kids, covid vaccines, taking the power back; we talked, debated, and respected each other’s points of view.

When it was time for me to go, I asked for my tab. My past employer said it was covered, that I should consider it pension.

The return on investment is so much more than I bargained for!