Reflections of a not so distant past.

Quite a few years ago, my brother-in-law dated this girl that freaked out when someone would touch her face. She had a son that was often in the hospital and through osmosis the three of us (husband, brother-in-law and I) became painfully aware of how often we touch our faces and spread germs. We all became mindful of our hand washing and limited our face touching.

Actually, the awareness and limited touching made my skin clear up. Who knew…

A decade later the hand washing and no face touching is more prevalent than ever.


Working in the service industry and yoga industry, we are taking every precaution possible ensuring our guests are in good healthy hands. My hands smell faintly of bleach due to bleaching and sanitizing everything after people leave. This is the cleanest restaurant I’ve ever worked at BEFORE this virus breakout now it’s even cleaner which is hard to believe.

It’s interesting talking to people about COVID-19. It seems there is a clear division of people, the ones that think it is serious and are hiding in a bunker with 10,000 rolls of toilet paper and the people that think this it is blown out of proportion and they continue to come out.

Thank goodness for the people that are coming out.

A friend of mine recently went on a cruise. The weeks leading up to the cruise and the days during her ‘vacation’ she couldn’t calm down enough to enjoy anything. She was terrified of being quarantined to the ship. Even after I reminded her that she was with her two favorite people on EARTH and if she did get stuck at least she had them with her, she still couldn’t get in vacation mode.

After many conversations I told her she was going to make herself sick with all the worry she was carrying.

Today that got me thinking… How many people are going to get sick because they’ve convinced themselves that it’s only a matter of time? Will the people that think this is a media scam be less likely to catch anything?


An elderly couple came into the bar last night. They told me they were 80 & 81. They have both lived through loosing a spouse. IF that wasn’t hard enough the wife has lived through loosing a daughter and the husband has lived through loosing two sons and a grandchild. They know suffering and they know loss. They told me that because they know defeat they also know how precious life is and how you can either get busy living or get busy dying. They choose to live.

Even though they are part of the 1% they choose to continue living.

Maybe those two are risk takers putting themselves out there to potentially be taken down but how inspiring to have gone through all of that heartbreak and to put yourself out there. To be willing to live instead of fearing the unknown.

As Mother Earth continues to thaw but the government encourages a longer hibernation I challenge you to think healthy thoughts.

If our thoughts become things, shouldn’t we be thinking healing thoughts rather than thinking doom?

During the school closing, my kids and I will sit in our daily meditation circle we will think of summer and people out enjoying themselves not a lingering panic of sickness. I hope you join us.

Be well,

Namaste, Jes xoxo