Humans Too

We all have those people in our lives that look and act like they are stronger than humans.  Words don’t affect these super humans.

The problem with this assumption is, it’s wrong.

Yesterday it was a super moms birthday.  To the ordinary eye you wouldn’t know of her super powers because like most hero’s she keeps them silent.  Her cape isn’t worn as a badge but more so as privilege.  Her daughters remembered their fathers birthday and forgot hers.  That would bother anyone.  I wouldn’t be able to keep my hurt feelings from showing but she’s more like Taylor Swift and shakes things off.


Yesterday was a T.O.U.G.H. Shift.  The kind you walk away from and wonder if you’ll return.

Not only did she have to deal with tough customers, some of which are REGULARS, she also had to deal with CO-WORKERS, which can shed some of the cruelest hate.  The workers that know your darkest secrets, BECAUSE YOU TRUST THEM and they use that as fuel to the most horrific fire.

She has a tough shell, they think.

This is funny, they think.

This will really make her day, they think.

But they are wrong.

It turns out, she is HUMAN just like the rest of us.  Words have power and sometimes they slice through the thickest armor.  PLEASE speak kindly.

In the words of Thumper’s mother…if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

ESPECIALLY on someone’s birthday.

The haters are going to hate, but YOU my friend are a spectacular UNICORN.  I look up to you and will always be on your side.

Much love.

Jes xoxoxo